
 Journal Of Construction Project Management And Innovation, Sustainable Human Settlement And Construction Research Centre
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Publication Authors:
 Dorcas Titilayo MOYANGA, Ajoke Aminat AGBOOLA AndTaiwo Fadeke ADEGBEMBO
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Quantity surveying firms (QSFs) are faced with countless challenges and fierce competitions in the construction industry that would require the continuous embrace of technological Innovations (TI) in their services and operations. Therefore, this research examines the technological innovations in QSFs with a view to establishing their innovativeness in combating the challenges and attaining competitive advantage. Census sampling was adopted to sample QSFs in Lagos and Ondo States. Questionnaires were distributed to top management of these firms and relevant descriptive and inferential statistical analysis were conducted on the data gathered. The findings from the analysis revealed that QSFs are slightly innovative because the adoption of new software and involvement in innovative services is moderately high though their level of awareness is high. Also, the diversification of services of QSFs to other industries like mining, automobile, shipping and aeronautical is slightly low. Hence, the implication is that QSFs should adopt technological innovations in their service delivery to survive the changing demands of clients and diversify their services to other industries to be able to meet the changes in the construction industry. 
 Civil And Environmental Research, IISTE
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 The Perception Of Construction Professionals To The Use Of Quantity Surveying Research In Nigeria
Publication Authors:
 Dorcas T. Moyanga
Year Published:
The Nigerian construction industry shows little interest in the contributions of research because they see it as theoretical and not suitable for the challenges facing them. Hence, this study assesses the use of research in quantity surveying and challenges that may be confronting its use. Primary data were collected through structured questionnaire from construction professionals who are academics and practitioners in southwestern, Nigeria. Secondary data obtained from a study undertaken on quantity surveyors' perception about quantity surveying research (QSR), was used for comparison. Percentage and frequency distribution, mean item score and descriptive analysis was employed. The study revealed that quantity surveyors claimed that the level of use of quantity surveying research (QSR) is low while other professionals agreed that it is high though the level of awareness and level of accessibility is high from both view points. Quantity surveyors perceived that poor recordkeeping, inadequate funding for QSR, non-readiness of practitioners to support researcher, and absence of collaboration/interaction between academics and practitioners are challenges confronting the use of QSR. The study recommends that academics should work together with the practitioners in the construction industry to receive fund to carry out problem-solving collaborative research which would be useful for them. 
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Publication Authors:
 D. T. Moyanga And M. Uzoma
Year Published:
Construction projects are developed for the provision of housing facilities for humans as well as economic and social improvement of the community though the associated impact of the project development on the environment is inevitable and cannot be totally overlooked. Hence, the study assesses the environmental impact of project development by examining the regulations and policies guiding the environment in relation to construction, barriers to the implementation of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and impact of project development on the environment. A case study approach was adopted for the study where primary data was obtained through the questionnaire from end users (students and staff), construction firms and physical planning unit of the Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA). The data collected from a total of 264 questionnaires was analyzed using percentage, mean score and relative importance index. The study revealed that the level of awareness of regulations and policies guiding the environment by the contractors is high with value above the 3.0 mean score while the level of implementation is moderate. The barriers to implementing environmental impact assessment in FUTA by both contractors includes lack of technological support, lack of client's support and lack of legal enforcement. Also, the positive impact of project development include the creation of job opportunity, development/civilization of FUTA environment and so on while the negative impact are on-site material wastage, habitat destruction, air emission/pollution, interference of road traffic, noise generation and so on. The implication of the study is that enforcement officers should be put in place to continually campaign on the regulations guiding FUTA in relation to construction activities. Furthermore, the implementation of EIA by contractors should be encouraged and monitored by physical planning unit of FUTA and the consultants to enhance adherence by construction firms and promote environment management. 
 Joint International Conference Editorial Committee
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 Risk Associated With Stakeholders At The Pre-Contract Stage Of Construction Projects In Ondo State, Nigeria
Publication Authors:
 Dorcas Moyanga & Michael Ayodele
Year Published:
Risk is an inevitable occurrence in all activities, which cannot be exempted from the different phases of construction and the influence it has on the performance of stakeholders. Therefore, this study assesses the risks associated with project stakeholders at the pre-contract stage of construction projects in Ondo state, Nigeria. The study objectives assesses the effects of risks on the performance of stakeholders and the effectiveness of the strategies adopted by stakeholders in reducing these risks. Primary data were collected through questionnaire survey from a total of seventy-eight (78) out of eighty-one (81) construction stakeholders comprising client, consulting and contracting organizations. Mean score and regression analysis was used to analyze the primary data. The study revealed that poor communication between project stakeholders,unethical conduct among project stakeholder, government building policies and delays in approval of design by the government are the risks with very high occurrence and which are most severe at the pre-contract stage. The most effective strategies adopted by stakeholders includes carrying out in-depth investigation of site conditions directly from site, identifying possible risk at the early stage and assessing them appropriately and clearly defining clients brief. Also, the significant value shows that the performance of stakeholders is affected by risks. The implication is that the stakeholders should ensure to work in collaboration based on recognized conduct and ethics and,operate with proper contract documentation in order to enhance their performance throughout the construction project‘s life 
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Publication Authors:
 Ajobiewe, D. T.; Awodele, O. A. & Ogunsemi, D. R.
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Academic research is undertaken to solve problems confronting practice, yet practitioners claimed that research outputs do not improve practice. Therefore, this research assesses key areas of quantity surveying academic research (QSAR), essentials of QSAR and factors affecting their use in practice. Primary data on the essentials of QSAR and factors affecting its use were collected through the questionnaire survey from a total of 54 stratified selected quantity surveyors in the academics and construction industry in South-Western Nigeria. Historical data on key areas of QSAR was collected from libraries of public universities offering quantity surveying (QS) and construction management at higher degrees. Mean item score was used to analyze the primary data while taxonomy was generated from the historical data. The study revealed that QSAR is not been used in practice though it contains appropriate content with high quality. Poor record keeping of QSAR, absence of collaboration and inadequate funding are the most significant factors affecting its use. Also, QSAR have been conducted in all the competency areas except for computer literacy. The implication is that practitioners should endeavour to use research outputs to enhance practice and that symposia should be organized to communicate the needs of practitioners and academics. 
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Publication Authors:
 Ajobiewe, D. T.; Awodele, O. A. & Ogunsemi, D. R.
Year Published:
Academic research is undertaken to solve problems confronting practice, yet practitioners claimed that research outputs do not improve practice. Therefore, this research assesses key areas of quantity surveying academic research (QSAR), essentials of QSAR and factors affecting their use in practice. Primary data on the essentials of QSAR and factors affecting its use were collected through the questionnaire survey from a total of 54 stratified selected quantity surveyors in the academics and construction industry in South-Western Nigeria. Historical data on key areas of QSAR was collected from libraries of public universities offering quantity surveying (QS) and construction management at higher degrees. Mean item score was used to analyze the primary data while taxonomy was generated from the historical data. The study revealed that QSAR is not been used in practice though it contains appropriate content with high quality. Poor record keeping of QSAR, absence of collaboration and inadequate funding are the most significant factors affecting its use. Also, QSAR have been conducted in all the competency areas except for computer literacy. The implication is that practitioners should endeavour to use research outputs to enhance practice and that symposia should be organized to communicate the needs of practitioners and academics. 
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 Comparison Of Bamboo And Conventional Building Materials For Low-cost Classroom Construction In Isarun, Nigeria
Publication Authors:
 O. S. Adetunji, D. T. Moyanga And A. O. Bayegun
Year Published:
The attendant high cost of construction; using conventional building materials has resulted in inadequate classroom provisions in public schools located in rural areas in Nigeria. This study compares bamboo and conventional building materials for low-cost classroom construction in Isarun, Nigeria. The study employs literature review and case study of historical data as its research methods. Data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Finding reveals that the cost of constructing a classroom block using conventional materials is N2.52 Million while the cost of classroom block constructed with bamboo is N1.03 Million. The cost of classroom block using conventional material can produce two classroom blocks made of bamboo materials, and that in rural areas where there is abundant accessibility to bamboo, the classroom constructed with bamboo has more cost benefit as aligned with the culture of the host community. This study recommends that the state governments should endeavour to provide more low-cost and eco-friendly classroom blocks in rural areas with the use of bamboo after a thorough application of suitable preservative. 
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 National Worksop On “BESMM 3 & SMRS
Publication Authors:
 Ajobiewe,D T
Year Published: